Contact us

Contact us if you want to place an order or need service. We offer service on all types of electric boilers.

Our staff

Varmeteknikk AS

Visiting address:

Brobekkveien 80 B9
0582 Oslo

Mailing address:

Postboks 6 Alnabru
0614 Oslo


Our staff

Call us or find the right person to talk to here:

person ikon

Stig Bø


Low- / high voltage boilers

person ikon

Bodil Dehli


Economy department

person ikon

Mari Dihle Nyhus

Sales / logistics

Low voltage boilers

person ikon

Stephen Slommerud

Export Manager

Low voltage boilers

person ikon

Thomas Andresen

Sales Consultant

Low voltage boilers

person ikon

John David Fjeldberg

Service / support

Low- / high voltage boilers

person ikon

Daniel Nellänge

Service / support

Low- / high voltage boilers

person ikon

Eirik Schonfelt Ottesen

Factory Manager

Production Elverum

person ikon

Jan Kjetil Rundberget

Production Manager

Production Elverum

person ikon

Tom Andreas Lauritzen

Head of High voltage Service / production

High voltage boilers