Energy labeling and ecodesign
Requirements for energy related products
Energy labeling and ecodesign
On 26 September 2015, the EU introduced ecodesign requirements for all energy-related products, including electric boilers and heat pumps. This means that products must be labeled with an energy grade. The grade goes from A to G, where A is the best grade and says something about the energy standard of the product or building.
Products that do not comply with ecodesign requirements can no longer be sold in Norway or the EU. The requirements apply to producers, importers, and traders of products that consume energy.
The Ecodesign Directive is the EU's instrument for removing the least energy-efficient products from the market.
Norway is not a member of the EU, but the EEA agreement also applies to Norway. All products that comply with ecodesign requirements must be CE marked. The mark is the manufacturer's guarantee that all relevant directives are complied with.